Check out this document for a summary of the U.S. Soccer mandates regarding birth year registration and small-sided game formats:
Please check the Coaches tab on for dates and details of this year’s clinics. For more information please contact:
If you coach a Recreational team, you must obtain a CYSA F Coaching Certificate before the start of your second year of coaching. If you coach a Competitive team, you must obtain a USSF E Certificate. Competitive assistant coaches must have an F Certificate. The Goalkeeper ("GK") Coach Certificate is optional for all levels (but recommended for all coaches).
The instructors are nationally certified coaches who are rigorously trained in CYSA and USSF’s curriculum. The instructors are assigned shortly before the class by CYSA. RYSC has no role in who is selected to be the instructor.
The F Clinic lasts 7 hours and will be conducted on Saturday. There will be 1.5 hours of class time and 5.5 hours of field time.
The exact times are established by the instructor. The Saturday session is held outdoors at a park to be determined. The attendees will serve as soccer players and the instructor will serve as the coach (be prepared for some physical activity).
The E Clinics are the same as the F Clinics, except there will be 3 hours of classroom time on Friday 6 hours of field time on Saturday and a second field session (of 6 hours) is held on Sunday. The E Clinic lasts a total of 15 hours.
The GK Clinic is 6 hours on Saturday structured the same as an F Clinic, but the curriculum is focused on coaching goalkeepers.
Every attendee will receive a Soccer Fundamental book, a class workbook, and a wallet-sized license upon completion of the course.
CYSA sets an initial limit of 20. At the instructor’s discretion, additional persons may be added.
There are no prerequisites for the F and GK Certification courses. Those registering for the E Certification course must have a F Certification.
Coaches from all area clubs are welcome, but those outside of the Placer Youth Soccer League (Roseville, Lincoln, Rocklin, Eureka & Loomis clubs) must pay to attend. Attendees are registered on a first-come, first-served basis with Rocklin coaches given priority. After the first 20 slots are filled, a waiting list is generated.
These costs are waived for PYSL coaches. If you coach outside of PYSL, You may pay with cash or check. Checks should be made payable to RYSC and will be collected before class starts on Friday.
Please notify us if you cannot attend at least 7 days in advance so we can give your slot to someone else.
Friday night: pen/pencil and paper.
Saturday/Sunday: pen/pencil, paper, materials your received at the
Friday session, soccer attire, soccer ball, plenty of water, lunch and snacks, sunscreen, and a folding chair.
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